Character: Threadwitch
A perfectly ordinary practitioner of extremely ordinary magic. The weirdest commoner you've ever met.

Character: Max Snow
A gnoll chef - he'll eat anything, but by Nethys it'll be cooked first. Pathfinder wizard.

Featured Story:
The Man Who Was A Suit of Armour
Summary: An old man in modern suburbia struggles with an ancient curse, and tries to remember the name of a favourite confectionary.

Site Log.
07-01-25 | Hey. Remember when I said I didn't want to make any big changes? I lied. I want this site to be more readable, because I know someone irl who's probs dyslexic, and I thought it'd be nice to make my website friendlier for them. I've only done a little bit so far, and it looks ugly. But oh MAN is it easier to read already. Didn't realise I was straining my eyes so much! |
01-09-24 | Woah hey! Want to do stuff here again. List of shit I want to post:
We'll say that's it for now. This is just a self-reminder at this point. |
16-07-24 | Had an idea for a neat bit of wordplay, so updated the poetry section. Thassit. |
6-06-24 | Okay! New character page, again, with a fuck-ton of art. It's been a while since I was drawing this regularly. It's fun! Also adding a new blog section for June, give me a minute. |
29-05-24 | Always updating shit. Currently, added a bunch of ramble to May blog, a new PF character, and fucking around with a possible new campaign I want to run, which is hiding in the blog section. Maybe I should make a seperate section for those... |
19-05-24 | Updated Max Snow's character page with recent session notes, and a relevant meme. |
14-05-24 | New blog section for May. |
13-05-24 | New review on blog, In Stars and Time. I say review: it's pure ramble. |
12-05-24 | Added a new character - Max Snow, my Pathfinder wizard. Updated the home page, and some random other stuff. |
09-04-24 | Insignificant changes. Adjusting home page - site temporarily on hiatus! |
15-03-24 | New ttrpg character added to the characters section. More to come once I get art sorted. |
05-03-24 | Dammmn, added a whole new poetry section? Btw it's not personal stuff. Just experimental wordplay. |
03-03-24 | New header image. Updated the homepage, made it more visually appealing. Inspiration for header from this music video. |
29-02-24 | Okay. Here are the major changes: created a sidebar for some pages, massive overhaul of the character page (but still a WIP), renamed 'archive' to 'stories', removed the snippets and mechanics sections, renamed 'random other' to 'blog', added a guestboook, added a warning in the about page, and most importantly, the FUCK! section now works as intended. Jesus, I'm going to bed. Right after I add some buttons to the about page. |
28-02-24 | Wow, I've got a button now. Moved the site log to the homepage. |
27-02-24 | Insignificant changes. Minor dot points on 'The Snowman' writing page. |
26-02-24 | Insignificant changes. Some bookmarked artists and songs in the 'random other' section, and minor dot points in 'The Snowman' writing page. |
24-02-24 | Insignificant changes. Sandwich recipe in 'random other' section. |
23-02-24 | Going hard in the 'random other stuff' section. I'm more or less using it as a notebook. The 'characters' page now works too, but is pretty bare for now. Need to track down my DnD notes. |
22-02-24 | Archive section link works now, as does the random other stuff section and the about page (obviously). Also cross-posted a short story in the archive from a couple of years ago. |
21-02-24 | First draft of site. I don't see myself making any big changes. In the future, if I edit the site to tweak something small (which I probably will) I'll make a note here that says "insignificant changes". Usually I'll just be messing with the CSS, or revising the about page. Anything to avoid actually writing. |